Tucker Carlson suggests UFOs are actually manifestations of spiritual beings in an interview with Joe Rogan

Tucker Carlson speaking at the 2023 Turning Point Action Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida
Credit: Gage Skidmore, Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 2.0 Deed

In a recent interview with Podcaster Joe Rogan, former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson revealed his opinion on the appearance of UFOs and in some instances even aliens, the Christian Post reports.

While some believe the Earth is actually being visited by aliens from other planets, others believe that many of the UFOs are actually evidence of advanced technology created by governments.

However, the first thing that Tucker points to is that in the Bible’s Book of Ezekiel, the prophet saw similar types of unidentified flying objects.

Obviously, these flying objects were not created by some top-secret government agency, 2,500 years ago.

Instead, Ezekiel identified these beings as angelic.

“It’s not American technology or Russian or Chinese. It predates all of that,” Carlson noted. “I mean the prophet Ezekiel writes about it in the first chapter, wheels in the sky.”

“These are spiritual phenomena. There’s no evidence they’re from another planet,” Carlson added. “They’ve been here for thousands of years, whatever ‘they’ are, and it’s pretty clear to me that they’re spiritual entities, whatever that means.”

Carlson then pointed out how there is strong evidence that these UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), as the government now calls them, are capable of defying the laws of physics.

When they do this, Carlson suggests that these UAPs are not physical, but rather spiritual or supernatural beings.

“They’re supernatural, which is to say ‘supernatural’ means ‘above the natural.’ And they don’t behave according to the laws of science as measured by people,” Carlson added. “And they’ve been here a long time, and there’s a ton of evidence they’re under the ocean and under the ground. So with that fact set, what do you conclude?”

Similar to what we see in the Bible, Carlson believes these beings are from a spiritual dimension where there are both good and what he describes as evil beings.

Carlson added that growing up in California, he and his family had a very secular view of life, but added that for many this is starting to change.

“All of a sudden …, a lot of people I know who had similar childhoods to mine, similar life experiences, are like, ‘Maybe there is, like, a supernatural realm,” Carlson stated. “Maybe there’s more than just, like, what we can see and feel. Maybe life is more than just ordering s— on Amazon. Maybe there’s, like, a purpose. Maybe there is this battle between good and evil around us that we can’t see, but that we do experience a lot.”

I did a podcast a while back on Ezekiel and his encounters with angelic beings that some have suggested were actually aliens from other planets.

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